Damikouka Ιoanna

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Faculty Members

Assistant Professor




+30 213-2010296

Office Address

196 Alexandras Avenue, 115 21, Athens, Greece

Dr Ioanna Damikouka is a graduate Chemical Engineer from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and has a M.Sc. in Water Resources Science and Technology from NTUA. Her PhD on the Investigation of Natural Attenuation of Pollutants in Contaminated Marine Sediments is from the School of Civil Engineering at NTUA.

Dr Ioanna Damikouka is Assistant Professor at the University of West Attica and member of the Laboratory of the Environment and Occupational Health. She has a fifteen year long teaching experience in postgraduate courses in Occupational and Environmental Health and in Public Health postgraduate programs (National School of Public Health), and more than fifteen years of experience in the field of environmental- water, sediment and wastewater- analysis and treatment, and solid waste management.  She is the author of more than thirty publications including chapters in books, peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings.